Abstract acceptance notifications were sent to registered authors by email.
If you haven’t received your notification, please contact the secretariat at
Location : 1F Walker Hall (Grand Walkerhill Hotel, Seoul, Korea)
Poster Session Viewing Schedule
✓ March 27 (Thu.), 13:05 - 13:45
✓ March 28 (Fri.), 11:15 - 12:00
* Kindly check your presentation times as previously announced via E-mail.
* Poster presentation speakers should be present in front of their posters at the designated poster viewing session time for Q&A and discussion with participants.
* For those who don’t participate in the session, please note that you may be excluded from nomination for the Best Poster Award.
There will be an award review on-site among the in-person presenters who attend the Poster Viewing session.
We are pleased to be able to facilitate an option for local poster printing and delivery through THE FOSTER.
Submit your poster in PDF format via the page dedicated to ICKSH 2025: Go To Website (link address http://www.forceposter.com/order/order.asp)
The FOSTER Service will print your poster which you can collect at the congress venue.
This way you do not need to bring your poster to the venue.
Contact Point: Hanna Jang | Tel.: +82-70-8880-0265, Email: ask@forceposter.com
Set-up and removal must be done during the assigned schedule only. If not, it will be removed by staff without notice and the organizing committee will not take responsibility for any damages or losses.